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aerial view of neighborhood

Political Action

There is strength in numbers, and members of the GOHBA have successfully worked together to promote affordability, accessibility, quality and choice in housing for all Canadians. The GOHBA’s strong liaison with political decision makers has resulted in effective representation on a large number of important housing issues. Through the efforts of the Builder/Developer Council, home buyers will save over $50 million during the next ten years due to development charge reductions of as much as 75% in area municipalities – just one example of how the effective political representation at all levels has resulted in real benefits to association members.

aerial view of neighborhood
man shaking hands across a table

Three Tiered Membership

With membership in our local association, members also benefit from membership in the Ontario Home Builders’ Association (OHBA) and the Canadian Home Builders’ Association (CHBA), providing resources and links to our provincial and national networks.

man shaking hands across a table
people networking

Networking Opportunities

The GOHBA offers dozens of ideal opportunities for members to get together to make business contacts, to learn about the latest developments in the industry and to meet the people who can help your business succeed. Through our monthly meetings, committees, and social events; members are able to maintain regular contact with the individuals who are their target market.

people networking
man and woman cutting wood

Educational Resources

Education and training is the cornerstone of professionalism and the GOHBA provides members with a number of opportunities to gain the skills and knowledge for success. GOHBA members have gained the skills to help them offer better homes and services to their customers while keeping a firm eye on the bottom line.

man and woman cutting wood
inside of home nicely furnished

Marketing Opportunities

Membership in the Greater Ottawa Homes Builders’ Association has become a mark of professionalism, reliability, and quality – attributes that inspire confidence with clients and consumers. The publicity generated by our high profile awards programs provide tangible benefits to those that participate, and there are many opportunities to promote your business through our print and digital marketing platforms.

inside of home nicely furnished
man clapping hands and producing construction dust

Membership Directory

Our membership directory is published once a year and distributed to all of our members, as well as the general public. The GOHBA’s motto “Be a member... Do business with a member”, encourages members to work with other industry professionals. Plus, every GOHBA member is included in the online classified directory of members on our website, making it easy for builders and consumers to find the products or services they need, 24 hours a day.

man clapping hands and producing construction dust
power drill

Affinity Programs

Exclusive discounts and special offers on a range of products and services are available for members at highly competitive rates, which include complete employee benefits programs, insurance, office supplies, hotel/car rentals, gas, and much more available through both the CHBA and OHBA.

power drill

How to Join

For more information on the Greater Ottawa Home Builders’ Association, or to submit a Membership Application, please contact our Director of Membership & Business Development, Soula Burrell at (613)723-2926 ext. 226 or


Benefits for all Members, please click HERE

Benefits for Renovators, please click HERE.

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